Dinamica rewarded with ADI Design Index 2016

Dinamica rewarded with ADI Design Index 2016

Dinamica rewarded with ADI Design Index 2016

Intelligent hinge Dinamica enters the catalog of products selected by the Association for Industrial Design

The 2016 Prize

Fratelli Garletti’s Dinamica has convinced the over one hundred experts that make up the ADI permanent Design Observatory. In the 2016 edition 907 candidate products were examined, and only 279 were chosen for the new ADI Design Index, the annual publication of ADI Association for Industrial Design that gathers the best Italian design put into production.
These products will compete in the next Compasso d’Oro ADI 2017, the classic award that for over sixty years has shown to the public and specialists the best Italian designers and the best companies of the Italian design.

The product

Dinamica System SHS encloses many technological innovations covered by well 5 international patents, fruit of the lively mind of Luciano Bacchetti, which transform the classic hinge for doors in a technological system able to carry out and ensure exclusive performance.  Dinamica system can be applied to all types of door: burglar-proof, fire doors, soundproofed, doors in solid wood, with steel or aluminum frame, with marble or metal cover. Weight and dimensions are no longer an obstacle to the project. The safety is guaranteed for all users by the product certification EC and by the European and North American-UL fire certifications, probably the only hidden single-axis hinge to be so.

Concealed door hinges

The Protagonists

“We are very honored to receive this great recognition, as of today we can consider ourselves to be ambassadors of the Made in Italy to all effects – radiantly claims Stefano Garletti, CEO of F.lli Garletti – a great satisfaction that is rewarding us for the hard work of research and development efforts in the last two years. To see our product alongside brands such as Ducati and Ferrari was very exciting”

“to speak of patents that receive a design award seems strange to me, I couldn’t believe it at the beginning. Today, after dozens of patents registered at an international level, it is great to see our patents receive an award for the design! ” – rejoices Dinamica’s technological father Luciano Bacchetti.

premio Adi

From the left, Luciano Bacchetti and Stefano Garletti are posing in front of Dinamica during the ceremony

“It is the result of our teamwork – continues Stefano Garletti – I want to thank Andrea Gallarotti, who took care of the regulatory part, Emiliano Alberti, our Product Specialist, and all of my collaborators. I can’t wait to celebrate with them!”

The ADI ceremony and exhibitions

The Awards was held on Friday 7th October at the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti of Milan, home to the entire 2017 selection, which will be visible in an exhibition until 11th October.  The milanese exhibition, which is part of the program of the Fall Design Week and Design City Milan 2016, will be followed by a second exposition in Rome at the Ex Cartiera Latina in the Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica from 28th October to 1st November 2016.


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